Nearly 18 months on from the start of the pandemic, a lot has changed. We (well, some of us) have access to vaccines, ventilators, oxygen and even funding to support those who have suffered loss of earnings. But many countries have struggled to provide the healthcare and financial support their residents and citizens need. Equally, rolling out the vaccine has …
In a previous blog I wrote about the many stateless people living in the states of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia and the plight that they face as the authorities in Malaysia ignore the true extent of the problem. Sabah and Sarawak states are on Borneo Island, part of East Malaysia. In this blog, I look again at the challenges …
One of the main ways to stem the Covid-19 pandemic is to track how many people have become ill, how many have died, how many have recovered. To tackle the virus effectively those that have been in contact with someone who has been ill or is a carrier need to be traced. They may need to be isolated. If and …