Guest appearance on the European Network on Statelessness Blog

Guest appearance

My recent analysis of the CJEU’s judgment in Bilali C-720/17 on statelessness and subsidiary protection is making a guest appearance on the excellent and informative blog by the European Network on Statelessness.

The European Network on Statelessness is the collaboration of non-governmental organisations, academic initiatives, and individual experts committed to addressing statelessness in Europe.  As well as its weekly blog, the Network carries out and supports legal and policy development, awareness-raising and capacity building activities.

The decision of the CJEU in Bilali is that subsidiary protection could be revoked even though the mistake lay with the Austrian authorities, and not with the Applicant who claims that he is stateless.  Austria does not have a statelessness determination procedure.  If it had, Mr Bilali’s case might have been resolved much more speedily and effectively.

Have a read of my blog post and let me know what you think.  And don’t forget to sign up for the European Network on Statelessness newsletter, it’s a fantastic resource written by top experts in the field.